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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines

澳门六合彩平台网站投注n Paramedics are supported in their clinical practice with access to clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The CPG development and review methodology is informed by the AGREE II Instrument, an internationally recognised tool which guides and evaluates the development and quality of clinical practice guidelines.聽 The review and development process includes analysis of performance data, published evidence presented in international guidelines and systematic reviews, internal and external targeted consultation (including paramedic consultation), and聽consideration of context specific requirements and risks. This process is supported by the 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 Clinical Practice Guideline Committee and Medical Advisory Committee. A full description of the guideline development process can be requested by contacting the guideline department.


漏 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 2024

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> 聽ALS and MICA Paramedics

> 聽First Responders

> 聽Air 澳门六合彩平台网站投注

Please email your inquiries and feedback to clinicalguidelines@ambulance.vic.gov.au